
Lecture Date/Topics Released Assignments Project
January 22 (Wed)
January 27 (Mon)

Course introduction and HCI History
Project Information

A1: Biography

January 29 (Wed)

*Guest Lecture on Design*

A1: Due @ 11:59 pm Sun. 2/2

1/31 Rank Project Types

February 3 (Mon)
February 5 (Wed)

Ideation and Contextual Inquiry

A2: Needfinding – Contextual Inquiry

2/03 Announce Project Teams

Group Project Proposals:
Due @ 11:59 pm Fri. 2/07

February 10 (Mon)
February 12 (Wed)

Work Models and Interaction Fundamentals

2/10 Feedback on Project
Proposal from Teaching Staff

2/14 Approval of Project Proposal from Teaching Staff

A2: Due @ 11:59 pm Sun. 2/16

February 17 (Mon)
February 19 (Wed)

Prototyping 1 and Scenarios

A3: Low Fi Prototype + Testing Released

February 24 (Mon)
February 26 (Wed)

Usability Evaluation and Diary

A3: Due @ 11:59 pm Sun. 3/2

March 3 (Mon)
March 5 (Wed)

Prototyping 2 and Measuring UX

A4: High Fi Prototype + Testing Released

Project Part 1 Due @ 11:59 pm Sun. 3/9

March 10 (Mon)
March 12 (Wed)

Cognitive Modeling and Participatory Design

A5: Participatory Design Released

March 17 (Mon)
March 19 (Wed)

Spring Break

March 24 (Mon)
March 26 (Wed)

Usability Inspection

A4: Due @ 11:59 pm Wed. 3/26 (Late Due @ 11:59 pm Sun. 4/6)

A5: Due @ 11:59 pm Sun. 3/30 Now: Wed. 4/2 (Late Due @ 11:59 pm Sun. 4/6)

March 31 (Mon)
April 2 (Wed)

Design Justice and Accessibility

April 7 (Mon)
April 9 (Wed)


Project Part 2: Due @ 11:59 pm Sun. 4/6 Now: Wed. 4/9

April 14 (Mon)
April 16 (Wed)

Technology Probes, Deceptive Patterns, and Presentation Skills

IN-CLASS EXAM (new date)
April 21 (Mon)

Technology Probes, Deceptive Patterns

April 23 (Wed)
April 28 (Mon)

Final Presentations

Group Project Presentations

Office Hours

2025 Spring Staff

Joshua Reiter
Wednesdays, 4:00-4:30pm
or by appointment
Location: Outside Classroom
Kaitlynn Pineda
Mondays, 1:00-2:00pm
or by appointment
Location: Malone 216

Monday (01) Section:

Mia Choi
Mondays, 11:30am-1:00pm
Location: Zoom
Jacob Choi
Wednesdays, 1:00-2:00pm
Location: Malone 216
Anika Mistry
Wednesdays, 2:00-3:00pm
Location: Zoom
Tam Nguyen
Fridays, 12:00-1:00pm
Location: Zoom
Jonathan Liu
Fridays, 2:30-3:30pm
Location: Malone 216

Wednesday (02) Section:

Siam Mohammed
Mondays, 7:00-8:00pm
Location: Zoom
Peter Xu
Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30pm
Location: Malone 216
Suha Patel
Wednesdays, 9:00-10:00am
Location: Malone 216
Allen Shen
Thursdays, 4:00-5:00pm
Location: Zoom


Course Expectations & Grading

  • Participation: 5%
    • Classroom involvement, Peer Project Critique & Discussion: 4%
    • e-Portfolio (TBA): 1%
  • Quiz/Exit Tickets/In Class Exercises: 20%
    • Session Review Questions
    • Questions will be released at the end of the class session
  • Mid Term (1): 20%
  • Assignments: 25%
  • Project: 30%
    • 10% for project part 1
    • 10% for project part 2
    • 5% project check-ins
    • 5% team member participation assessment

All written turn-ins (homework assignments and group project reports) need to be in the format of pdf.
All presentations should be submitted in the format of a link-accessible (sharing permissions enabled) file (i.e. keys, ppt, pptx, or pdf).

Grading Scale

Final Grades will be based on the following scale:
>= 98: A+          >= 77: C+
>= 93: A             >= 73: C
>= 90: A-           >= 70: C-
>= 87: B+          >= 67: D+
>= 83: B            >= 63: D
>= 80: B-           >= 60: D-
                     Below 60: F

Use of Generative AI

Students are encouraged to explore and experiment with generative AI tools for learning purposes, but any use in assessments/assignments/projects must be clearly indicated and appropriately attributed. Students are NOT ALLOWED to create prototypes with Generative AI tools (e.g., Stable Diffusion or ChatGPT or Bard). In any case, all work submitted by students must be their own work.

Late Policy

  • RULE #1: Late assignments are NOT accepted
  • RULE #2: If you plan to turn in a late assignment without prior approval of the instructor or teaching/course assistant (prior approval from Kaitlynn via Courselore), re-read RULE #1
  • If you choose not to follow the rules listed above, it is at the discretion of the teaching team (contact Kaitlynn via Courselore) if the assignment will be accepted. If accepted, the grade will be reduced 10% for each day it is late.


Reference Books

The Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman - Available through online library
Design Methods by Amy Ko - Available Online
Design Justice by Sasha Costanza-Chock - Available Online
Microinteractions by Dan Saffer - Available through online library

Figma Tutorials

Figma Learn - Figma for Beginners (4 parts)
YouTube Video - Figma UI Design Tutorial: Get Started in Just 24 Minutes!

Working in Teams

Working in project teams may be new for some of you, and can be challenging for all. Spend time at the start of the course learning about prospective team members. Remember that you will have a better group experience if your team is diverse in talents and interest, but united in goals and compatible in work habits. Here are some tips for working in teams. We will do our best to help your group resolve problems, but it typically works best if the team can resolve problems on their own. This will better prepare you to manage group work in "real life."